#im still undecided on his hair coloring .
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konkusuriuri · 1 year ago
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szynkaaa · 5 months ago
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Mandatory relationship graph to get to know my ship(s) better. And yes, two graphs because I see DO and SWK as two different person and the dynamics would differ too.
Some thoughts
I have SWK listed up taller than DO - in my AU, the DO starts out being 160cm tall and then grows with each artifact he collects. It's also why in some of my art you can see DO being taller than Oz, or the same height as her.
By the time the journey comes to an end, Oz's hair has grown longer. She's still undecided about cutting it or not.
I don't think the DO has a high horny level, I think he is faaaar too focused on completing his quest of obtaining all the artifacts. But he does get flustered very easily when Oz sometimes grabs his hand or clings on to him cause something scared her, or when she compliments him.
DO does very easily get jealous though, he is a wee bit possessive. He does't like seeing other people or yaoguai get close to her, it makes him want to just wrap his arms around her and not let her go while glaring thousand daggers at the other person. He was not happy when Oz jokingly asked if the Yin Tiger is married and if not he would marry her.
DO and Oz switches between big and small spoon, although I think the taller DO grows the more he prefers to be the big spoon. SWK is the big spoon no questions asked ("You're such a koala sheesh." "I do not know what this koala you speak of is.")
With DO, Oz had lot's of different names to call him, mostly just to get his attention. "oi, you. Monkie. Kiwi. Peach. Luffy (kudos if you get the reference)".
With Su Wukong, it's mostly him that has the endearing nicknames for her, stuff like 樱花 (Yīnghuā, cherryblossom bc of her hair color), 心肝宝贝(heart and liver treasure), darling, princess, my queen.
I don't see Oz having a lot of nicknames for SWK though, she'll most likely refer to him with Wukong. If she is calling him The Great Sage, Your Highness, Your Majesty, she is being sarcastic.
There is no confession between DO and Oz, I think both are being far too busy trying to survive, with one trying to get all the artifacts and the other trying to go home. But there is no doubt that they care for each other and have become good friends.
SWK confesses first. My HC is that after the whole journey to the west + buddhahood + leaving buddhahood + gamble and plan his death + the experience and memories he gaines as DO traveling with Oz made him a lot more mature and appreciate the things he has in his long (immortal) life. And that includes Oz. Of course he still maintains a mischievious streak. He knows what he wants and he wants to be with her. He also knows that she has other shit to deal with, like the Celestial Court trying to put a leash on her now (because family history) and that she is still looking for a way back home, so he tell her how he feels, but that he understands she has other priorities at the moment, aaaand that he will continue to support her and be her friend, but also that he will wait for her because what is another 500 years of waiting ("yeah i don't think I'm gonna live that long.")
also also, SWK is definitely the hornier one. But he doesn't get jealous or possesive like DO does. He is very secure in himself and he trusts his partner. Ofc if someone is being pushy and makes Oz uncomfortable he will step in ASAP
I've also marked DO as having no relationship experience because I don't see him as having any, i feel like all his life he was preparing for this quest. But since he gets SWK memories after he finishes the quest, I do think that makes him having some experience? Especially since the game mentiones SWK and White Bone Demon were a thing, and he was im trever able to let her go and it was one of the reasons he left buddhahood. Idk about you but I do think that indicates a deep bond they had.
aaaaand that's it. Here is the empty template for those who also want to do it:
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frizzycrls · 5 months ago
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WIP Azrael for Inhuman Vastness
I'm not sure of the neck feathers and I haven't figured out the halo but this still should give everyone an idea of what he looks like in my personal opinion!
Im undecided on his hair color as well. Any suggestions?
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fluffs-palace · 7 months ago
can I get a summary of the mcs so I know what kind of questions to ask about which ones 👀
(I am so bad at summaries but I'm gonna try lol and now im so late 😖 im sorry this took me foreverrrr)
MC Summaries
Generally Lyari's sort of a sleepy version of Asra, his LI. They're rather calm and laid back. He'd rather take life slow and one step at a time.
They're agender and use any pronouns. Anything you can think of she's fine with.
Physically, he's an inch taller than Asra — 5'9". Their hair is a cool tone white in contrast of their partner's warm toned white. Its straighter while having the staple jellyfish cut. Sometime the tendrils are put into braids or bubble braids. She presents more masc in her fashion sense.
She enjoys sewing and carries a pair of shears with her everywhere.
They don't have a familiar yet. (Im honestly undecided but it works perfectly for his character so it sticks around for now lol)
He's just a big happy dude. Might be a lil vain of him, but he loves the sound of his own voice. Mars will talk nonstop. His LI, Muriel, can absolutely be as silent as he wants; Marsom will talk more than enough for the both of them. He is also the biggest extrovert you will ever meet. A hugger too. He will give you a crushing bear hug every time you see him.
For his pronouns its just he/him! As for his physical appearance, his height doesn't go unnoticed. Not as tall as his love, but he still stands at a good 6'5". He has a boft build with tan skin and short blond hair. Here's art of him!
Archery is a passion of his. Along with that, he enjoys cooking a lot. Mars loves to drag Muri into the kitchen to cook with him or just cook something for him in general.
His familiar is a menace of a lil raccoon, Voroot. He loveeeeess "stealing" food from Mars. Its not really stealing since his mage will always whip him something up begrudgingly. They have a pretty sassy relationship.
(Possibly my favorite mc out of all them i love him so much)
Osanna's a gentle woman. Her voice is soft and kind. Don't let her timid nature fool you, though; she's got a ton of energy. Being a massive bookworm, Osanna loves trying to bring her books to life by taking adventures with her LI, Nadia, wherever she can.
Her design isn't set in stone yet, but she does love pink. She often wears more cottage core themed type clothing. She loves a good maxi skirt that will twirl with her or catch the wind while she rides. She's missing her right leg, half way down her thigh. She does indeed have a prosthetic very technically similar to Lucio's— much prettier though, in her opinion.
Along with her books, she loves the horses at the palace stables. She looks a little silly riding her mount as she's a rather small woman (5'3"). It can only be expected a Clydesdale would seem a little out of place. Nadia always finds it amusing when they bring out the ladder for her.
Lastly, her familiar is a chunky little mouse named Eeka! She has a curly coat and adorably large ears. She's often found snacking on the horses' feed. Oats especially. Her furs a warm soft grey.
Quick with dry wit, Samuel's a lovely contrast to his theaterical partner, Julian. To most, he can sound cold or untoward, but those close to him know he's just a little monotoned. His half lidded, sour resting expression doesn't often help that misconception either.
Samuel loves a bright color, especially purple. Paired with a lovely teal and fine copper jewelry is his go to. He can't stand tight clothing, though, except in his midrif. It's weirdly the only place where he feels the need for it. Oh, and shoes! He will never be caught dead in shoes— unless he's in the palace. First impressions, right?
His hair falls at his shoulder blades with a waviness to it. It is absolutely so fluffy. He'll often get random people sticking their hands in it. His eyes are a piercing light blue that compliments his teals wonderfully. Barely hitting Julian's shoulders, he is 5'7". Here's art of him as well!
Ever since getting dragged to Nevivon— don't let his antics fool you, he loved it and begs to back— he loves tinkering with different recipes. Whether it be baking or just plain cooking, he'll gladly give it a shot. Might even imbue it with some magical qualities. Bonus points if he's having to cook while adventuring with Julian. The challenge is the best part!
Samuel has more than one familiar; four actually! All siblings who found themselves at Portia's sanctuary. He's got an affinity for bunnies, so she knew they would be in good hands. It was just lucky there was that knowing click when he laid eyes on them! Their names are Clubs, Art, Spades, and Dia (the only girl).
Seli's a bit of a wild card. While her personality is decided, I haven't finished Portia route yet. Because of that I'm hesitant to give her a blurb like the other characters listed. I can give you what I have now more informally though!
She was also the only MC I decided to develop with a tarot pull. The cards I pulled, what their associations/questions were, and what I interpreted from them will be in this post! It's a lot to try to fit in this small part dedicated to her.
I don't have a design for her, but I know I want to incorporate warm colors like reds, oranges, and yellows. I honestly keep invisioning something close to Nahara, but I don't want to like rip her design. It's something I still really struggle with.
She has burn scars from before her death! They're in pretty obvious places, so they're still there after the ritual. Some, though, that weren't ever on display miraculously aren't there anymore. The phantom pains still stick around, however.
She has a bearded dragon familiar named Nuru! Little trivia fact for you, Seli's last name, Vega, and her familiar's name, Nuru, are old characters of mine. Nuru and Vega were each from open species when I first learned those were a thing.
Very big TBD to be honest with you. They're my Valerius mc so I don't have a route to back it up with. Because of that I've been a little slower in their development. I'm hoping the asks could help me fast track that process some :))
The few facts I do have are:
Intersex with they/them pronouns
Segmental acrofacial vitiligo
Redish purple eyes and hair like wine
Specializes in gardening and related magicks
They're rather bull headed. They know what they want and they will take it. Confidence is definitely not something they lack. While stubborn, they're also very maternal. They have to deal with Lucio after all. Neither of them mind, though. A match made in hell 😌❤️
They're a non-binary person with they/them pronouns. They're often dressed in dark colors, mainly greens and reds, with pops of gold. Lots of gold, actually. Life's short, they want to be fancy while it lasts. Their green hair is usually pulled into an updo with a cresent moon shaped bun on the back of their head. They also have bangs. Their art!
Lucio might whine about it but there's no getting over the fact that they're naturally taller than him at 5'11". Only added to when they're wearing their favorite heeled boots.
A ring of keys jingle on their hip. They don't go to anything but they think they're neat. They have a large collection of really cool keys.
Marion is the name of their familiar. He's a mink with a blondish gold silky coat. He has some vision impairment— he's lost most of his eyesight, but reacts most to light.
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ravio-rants · 1 year ago
2 for any, uhh I cannot remember what it is but..7 for any, cause it’s my lucky number :smiles:
Why does your oc look the way they do? What are your reasons for their appearance?
gonna answer this for most of them bc its fun lol
Raide is actually way different than they originally were designed. she used to be a sona, or, my sona (ravio)'s opposite twin thing. i didnt like that idea anymore so i revamped him completely, and ended up mashing together "skull pattern bc its cool" "keep her hair similar" and "colors i like" and ending up with what we have now. oh, her hair actually originally was designed after a spatoon oc i had, and then i Hated drawing the hair so much that i never drew him, so, with my siblings advice, i made them wear a crown that looks similar to his old hair, and her new hair still has similar vibes but is much easier to draw.
Calen actually hasnt changed too much, to be honest. he used to be just an offbrand version of a character i liked from a fandom im no longer in, and because i had already made him kinda my own, i kept him around and changed him into a twili to match Raide. his colors are blue and gold because thats what his colors originally were, and his skin is tinted green because i didnt want All my twili to just be black and white. thats boring.
Vang was the first of the twins to be made, and was also my first twili oc, so she kinda became the outline for them. Her and her brother, Kalt, are supposed to look like siblings, but also look closer to Midna from canon, because they are part of the royal lineage, and i wanted them to match more with the canon looks we are given for twili.
Kalt is vang but to the left, design wise, honestly. they probably looked Very similar, if not identical before she transitioned, but neither of them minds. he has the same hair as The Hero (link from twilight princess) because he looks up to him and wants to be cool. (aka he started as just a twili Link design but i made him my own.)
(all of the twili are actually undergoing mild design changes currently. undecided if some of the new design choices will be part of an au or not, so i wont be explaining them here, since they arent complete yet anyways.)
Hobic the wizard design choices? uh. slutty gay wizard with his tits out. that was the whole design idea. also green. i dont think too deeply about these things, he's entirely a joke character.
The M Crew, Moss, Marble, and Media are actually mostly three colors. green, purple, and orange. Moss is Purple with green clothes, Marble is Green with orange clothes, and Media is Orange with purple clothes. the intent is to make them look fine on their own, but also like a fun group when put together. Media is supposed to look simplistic but kinda punk. (the end result is them looking like a bouncer at a concert but thats okay lol.) Moss is supposed to have a similar outfit to what i usually wear. letterman jacket, combat boots, ripped jeans. Marble.. marble was a struggle and a half and i dont like her outfit at all. she looks like she got a witch costume from spirit halloween and called it good, so i have to fix that.
Does your oc have any notable skills or good personality traits? Why did you give them those traits? Why do they exist in-universe?
hm. Raide is good at most forms of art. i gave them that skill because im a jack of all trades, and my oc's are almost always an extension of myself. Raide is a good artist in universe because she loves art a lot, and doesnt want to be a royal guard anyway, so why not try Every type of art while he finds out what they want to do? right?
Calen is good at mixing potions, and is pretty charismatic. honestly hes had these since being created so i dont know why he has them. as for in universe explaination: potions are his job, so hes been trained on how to make them(and he Has to know how to make potions.. because they keep him alive..) . charisma is also job related. hes a merchant of many wares (potions are just the ones he makes himself.), so he's gotten pretty good at being charming but honest. it helps people buy his shit.
this got long lmao- and those two are the only ones i could think of answers for quickly(they may or may not be my fav oc's of mine...) so if you wanna ask about other beans feel free!!
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luxxlunaae · 1 year ago
ohhhh if i could draw right now i would draw this oc ive been thinking about
basically hes a "villain"/vigilante/anti-hero type, with gravity/space powers. his supervillain costume is so eccentric and he poses and talks like hes a disney villain (i was about to say queer-coded but he is. very queer. trans even)
his supervillain name is Villace (vill-ace) (basically just villain and space mashed together) and his civilian name is undecided... ive just been calling him "Villace (Civilian)" in my head
but basically his civilian form is very laid-back and tired while his supervillain form is very. Not. when hes Villace, his hair goes from shoulder length to basically a floating galaxy mess of black/purple hair with stars and colors and all that. his right eye turns into a full on star (kinda like an eyepatch? but he can still see fully) and his left eye's pupil just turns into a star-shape. also his irises turn deep purple/blue, with his skin going a pale greenish-blue. besides his hair, nothing really... changes? like his face doesnt change appearance, just color.
he basically just jaunts around the city, making sure corrupt companies are brought to justice and such.
but uhm. well, we have another super. a superHERO
superhero has fire and lava and such on his side, but he mostly focuses on fire, since its the one hes best at and has most control over. his superhero name is Volycan (voh-lie-can), and his superhero suit is... very flame-themed, except his suit is more neat and skin-tight than Villace's many big shapes and baggy clothes.
they fight, its fun, its cool. in Villace's civilian life, he works minimum wage as a fast food cashier. in Volycan's civilian life, he's the top employee at a big business company that may or may not know hes Volycan, and give him raises based on how good he 'saves' the city.
so yeah. very different lifestyles.
OH CRAP I JUST THOUGHT OF NAMES YIPPEE yes im writing this just. on a whim and no real direction. shhhh
Villace - Janus O'Gatace
Volycan - Aidan Volexnis
yes their surnames are made up. sorry
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bored-storyteller · 2 years ago
Hello, your writing is a pure bliss and I hope Im not late yet, but when I saw your promt and your cute newest work about Uta, can I mabye too have a request about him? He is my favourite anime character. :D And I would like to request the story on a word pancake, please. :D
Ok, I changed this little story you don't know how many times. This is the one that seemed most decent to me! Thank you for your request and for your support dear Anon!🌹
Tokyo Ghoul, Uta x human! Reader
Word: "Pancake"
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"Have you ever tried to eat human food?"
Your question hovers quietly in the evening half-light, Uta just pushes his head back on your legs, to be able to look at you.
He lies quietly on the sofa, with his gaze up to that moment lost in an indefinite point of space and his hands folded in his lap.
For a moment the red irises scan the curiosity in your gaze, as if they can't really understand it.
"Why should I do this?" He asks you, and then rearranges himself, looking back at the ceiling.
"Because you are crazy ..." you murmur slightly sulky, looking away too, while your fingers distractedly enjoy the sensation of his shaved hair against the fingertips.
You don't talk much, but you don't mind. It's not like you don't say anything to each other, but you like to take your moments of calm in the evening, with no need for anything other than the two of you.
And when you believe that the topic has simply fallen on deaf ears, Uta sighs softly.
"Only once." He says without giving particular color to his tone, but manages to spark a new curiosity in your eyes; you didn't expect it, you almost laugh at the surprise.
"When?" You ask, because it is inevitable that you do, and your boyfriend knows it.
His eyes roll to signal that he has already regretted having spoken, but in any case he replies: “Do you remember the first times we met? When did you work at that cafe? "
A slight smile crosses your face as you nod softly. You remember the weird guy who walked into the local every week on your shift, all covered in jacket, hat and sunglasses. He always took the usual things, a black coffee and pancakes to take away: the pancakes you made only yourself, however, because according to him they had a "particular aesthetic taste".
That thought made you laugh then as now.
"What did you do with those pancakes actually?"
"I looked at them ... I found them really beautiful."
This time you can't hold back a light but amused laugh. Why does this seem so in line with Uta?
"And then, despite that stench of rancid, I could still smell your perfume."
He is speaking to you with such quietness that he seems almost emotionless, yet for some reason he makes you blush. Though…
"Won't you tell me that ..."
Uta sighs, turning his face back to yours: "Yes, I tasted it, okay?"
You put a hand to your lips to keep yourself at least partially from laughing. You can't tell if you enjoy the fact itself or how embarrassed he seems to admit it.
“However, it didn't go beyond my esophagus. Really unbearable. Stop laughing now. " He tells you trying to be bored, settling down again to look elsewhere.
"I could be offended, you know?"
"It wouldn't be very smart of you since you know exactly who I am."
You smile as you quietly stroke his hair, undecided, however, whether to allay that annoyance of him or to continue teasing him as long as he is on your lap.
"Basically you ate it because you wanted to eat me, then." You murmur more to yourself than to him as a black strand slide around your index finger.
He looks at you, but this time he doesn't find you focused on him, you seem rather lost in your thoughts of that little realization.
"The initial idea was that ..." He reveals in a whisper that he does not know if you are listening, but your smile confirms that he has been heard.
How do you smile at him when he says such things to you, anyway?
"You're a pancake for ghouls."
"Oh well, thanks for your absolutely uncorrupted compliments." You answer him, your amused smile clashes a little with the fake frown on your forehead.
"But that's the truth." He insists, as he gets up just to get a chance to bite your nose slowly.
You just snort in front of his games, perhaps in bad taste or perhaps just very dangerous.
"You are inviting you know? But it would be a real shame to eat you."
"Stop." You tell him immediately, bringing your palm to his lips to silence him. A flash of boredom crosses his gaze, but he immediately frees himself from your grip.
"The official idea was that ..." he resumes, the quiet music of his voice fades slightly "the unofficial idea was ... I would have been sorry to disappoint a certain human being if they had asked me to taste their sweets in front of them. "
It's funny how he tries to be as innocent as possible in front of your doubtful gaze, and whether that's true or not, you sigh complacently as you smile.
"I would never have asked you, I was too afraid of your judgment."
Uta doesn't laugh, but you can feel the fun in his snort escaping his lips as he playfully strokes your head before standing up.
"Luckily I'm a ghoul then, my sweet pancake."
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rakimaiirisa · 3 years ago
Asbjorn Storm-Strider Lore
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weight- 210 Lbs( I like to think he is very muscular due to his werewolf blood being passed along to him by the werewolf father.)
Height- 6 '3
Eye color: Aqua. Inherited from his father
Hair: dark brown. Long and bunned in the back with bangs in front.
Race: Nord/Imperial. His father is Tiberius Storm-Strider, a werewolf with the Frostmoon pack of Solthiem. His mother was Remana Sialain, an imperial from the Imperial city who came to Soltheim seeking adventure.
sexuality: Bisexual
Im still undecided on whether he will use magic. I want to say he can, that its something that he could do as a child ( managing to create a small flame in his hands, healing small cuts on himself )but once it was noticed, he was forbidden to do it by both his father and the late pack leader ,Thorygg.
While he was young, both of his parents were killed in a suprise werebear attack on the pack along with the pack's leader and most of its members. During the attack, Asbjorn tried to stand and fight despite the fact that he was a child. His father seeing this, instead lured the bears to him to give both his son and mate a chance to escape. His mother managed to get him to safety but returned to the battle to save Tiberius. Asbjorn suffers from intense survivors guilt and believes that if he would've just listened to his parents and escaped when they urged him to, they would've lived. Out of the 28 members of the Frostmoon pack, only 6 managed to escape with Asbjorn being the only child to survive.
Around his early adult years, Asbjorn began to become restless and more unwilling to follow orders. Majini, the pack leader who took over after Thorygg, finally grew fed up and issued a ultimatum to him. Know your place or leave. Asbjorn chose to leave and headed to skyrim. He is about 1 year in skyrim when Farkas comes across him in Falkreath's forest, battling 2 spriggans. He helps Asbjorn out and once he catches his scent, realizes he's a werewolf. Farkas figured that a strong lad like Asbjorn would be beneficial for the Companions. After demonstrating his willpower against the natural call of his beastblood and proving his strength against Blademaster Vilkas, Kodlak warily gave his approval for him to join the Companions.
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chyrstis · 4 years ago
Self-Indulgent Sunday /WIP Wednesday
Okay, I’m just going to break even here and do a two-for-one entry. XD
Tagged by the lovely @fadedjacket @scarlettkat86 and @fluttyseed I’d love to pass a few tags along for both categories above, and you’re welcome to choose whichever ones you’ll have more fun with, if not both.
Tagging: @sharky-broshaw @amistrio @shallow-gravy @tommymillers @softmillers @ma-sulevin @narcis-the-monk @redroci @shellibisshe @painterofhorizons @finefeatheredgamer @teamhawkeye @geronimo-11 @marymay-fairgrave @risenlucifer @faithchel @raisinghellinotherworlds @ofravensandgenesis @mackie-hattwie @strafethesesinners and anyone else that’s interested! <3
First off, some Hana/Sharky, b/c I might’ve been working on more for this section waaaay down the line today, and though I’ve posted the part right after this, I thought it’d be good to post the first part of it too (and I don’t think I have yet?, but if I have whoops, and if not, excellent). I’m always weak for these two, and really should get on writing more for them, stat.
“What’s-what, what are we-?” Sharky’s head perked up the minute he caught sight of her. “Oh, uh…hey Dep. Wasn’t thinking-didn’t think I’d see you ‘til morning.”
“I got in early, and I-”
His relieved grin made her trip over her next words. Even half-asleep like this his smile warmed her to her very bones, and nearly told him that outright.
“I, um, I couldn’t wait to see how my favorite guy was doing. Just wanted to see if you were actually getting any shuteye in, and didn’t think you’d be all the way out here.”
“Cabin was full-up, and while I can dig that for a while it’s just…a guy’s gotta have some space, man.” Sharky yawned, stretching his arms out, and ran a hand through his hair once he was able to recover from it. “Ground’s also ass compared to a bed or the truck, but…it works.”
“It’s also cold as hell out here, and I was thinking-”
Even half-asleep like this, he seemed to snap to attention. Unzipping the entire bag, he lifted it up for her.
She’d been ready to drag him back to the cabin. To carve out a space with the others and find a way to make it work, because there really was no reason for him to stick it out here alone. Not with a roaring fire being offered up indoors, and four walls surrounding them.
But she knew what was waiting for her back there. Where she’d stay up, thinking about too much already, before adding alcohol to the problem. All of this without him.
And she’d done enough of that over the past week. She’d done enough of it to decide she didn’t want to do it ever again.
Quickly zipping the tent flap back into place – nearly busting it in the process – she peeled off her jacket and unlaced her boots before slipping in next to him. He shifted back to allow her to, fitting her back against his chest, and nearly sighed at the change in temperature once she settled into his arms.
Then the No-Cult AU, b/c really this is my self-indulgent Sunday entry right here. It’s been practically writing itself since last Wednesday, all b/c the idea struck while I was sitting at my dentist’s appointment. Sharky’s off working on something fun with Hurk, and John has a question to ask.
Something buzzed right at his hip, making him start as he swept the dirt up, and nearly tipped it over onto himself. Stabbing the shovel into the pile next to him, he scrubbed his hands off on his jeans, and dug his phone out.
John. That had him raising an eyebrow, and as soon as he read the message, the second one joined it.
Color one, or color two?
Sharky stared down at the text, scrunching up his face as he read and re-read the words until the next set of messages popped up.
Two squares one by one, both red.
Okay, this had to be a mistake of some kind. He’d been thinking that after the first text, and now with this sitting in front of him, he was left scratching his head over it long enough for John to send something else.
Either or, or neither?
dude its red
Clearly, but I’m undecided on the shade of paint I want to use, and thought your opinion might sway me.
Shit, so John did mean to text him after all, but the last thing he’d slapped a coat of paint on was his flamethrower, and he doubted John was looking for any pointers on something like that.
yea cuz im someone thats got an eye for this kinda shit
Possibly better than you think. And I thought it’d be worth it to ask.
Snorting, Sharky rolled his eyes, but after a minute took another look at the pictures. 
Maybe there was something different here. Something he wasn’t getting due to light, or the giant thumbprint he’d left on the screen, but he wiped it off and tried again. Squinted as he held the phone up to his face, rotated it, shielded the sun from it with his hand, and marinated on it for a good five minutes.
But in the end, red number one was no different than red number two, and he couldn’t do a thing other than shrug at the screen. Then actually typed something out, because John wasn’t exactly here to see him do it, and wouldn’t know shit unless he told him directly.
And finally a theoretical part from the Trap fic, b/c I remembered I had this, and really hope I can find a way to make this work judging from the route I’m trying to pin down.
Continuing up, she jumped to grab the next and felt her arms strain as she went. Every single time she’d complained about pull-ups flashed through her head, the worst kind of, ‘I told you so,’ but she made it. Moving higher and higher as they went, until the ground below was far enough away to make anyone miss it.
Huffing out a breath, Hana knelt by the ledge to watch for John. “Got it?”
Still eyeing her, he was able to get a better hold from his position, using the height he had on her to get a better hold.
“I see no reason why I wouldn’t, Deputy. In fact, I’d say that-”
Moving his foot, whatever was under it gave, and she caught the shock crossing his face just as it hit.
Slipping back, Hana grabbed for him, and dug her heels into the ground until she was jerked forward, nearly slamming her chin into the dirt. John’s fingers clamped down onto her wrists, holding on as she was dragged forward until they came to a clear stop.
Eyes open, teeth clenched tight, she could hardly manage a breath as she swallowed.
But John was still there. Staring right at her as he breathed himself, pale and with sweat beading on his brow, his composure just as shredded as hers was.
He didn’t blink, didn’t move, just kept on looking right at her.
“I’m going to try and pull you up, okay?”
Blinking once, he didn’t let up on his hold and gave a short nod.
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violetnotez · 5 years ago
Winter Dance
Izuku Midoriya x Reader
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Genre: Angsty but Fluff at end
Word Count: 3900
Warnings: Slight cuss words if ya squint
Summary: The winter dance is coming to UA in a few weeks and everyone is scrambling for a date- will your long time best friend/ crush Izuku Midoriya ask you out?
One Shot
Walking down the hallways, you always seemed to get in your own head. Everything seemed to dissolve around you, the world disappearing in place for your thoughts.
Right now, you were thinking about the practical exams, tests, and all the homework you had to do because you tend to procrastinate, until your best friend (and crush) flitted into your mind. Izumi Midoriya has been one of your best friends for as long as you could remember. After Bakugou had made fun of your quirk when you were little, little Midoriya was the only one having the courage to stand up for you. Your quirk was a unique one: you were a shapeshifter. If you touched someone or even held something they owned, you could shapeshift into them instantly. Either people found it interesting or creepy, but Izuku didn’t see it like that. He thought it was just awesome you had a quirk in the first place. He was the nicest boy you had ever met, and you two had been inseparable since. Over the years though, you realized you liked Izuku more than a friend. His infectious optimissium, his pursuit to be the best hero against all odds, and his adorable awkwardness made it hard for you not to notice how much you liked him. But he was your best friend, and if he didn't feel the same, you would be mortified and completely embarrassed. Your friendship would be over and you couldn't take the idea of a life without Izuku. So you suppressed all your feelings for him in hopes that maybe one day they would go away.
You felt a hand on your shoulder, making you turn around abruptly and startling you.To your relief (and horror), it was only the boy you were hopelessly falling for, his wide eyed, freckled face looking up slightly at yours. 
“Geez Midoriya!” You blushed, feeling how close your bodies were. “You couldn’t have scared me more!?”
“S-sorry y/n!” He apologized, stuttering slightly. He seemed to always be in a state of embarrassment, which was totally adorable to you but completely annoying to him.
He was breathing a little hard, as if he had just ran a long ways.
“I-I needed to ask you something,” he said in between pants as you both shuffled through the crowded hallways.
“Ask away,” you replied, sneaking peeks at his face. It was flushed red, his freckles even more prominent against the red of his face as his shoulders heaved with each breath.
“I-I need to ask for a favor,” he replied, looking down at his feet, his hands wringing nervously.
“Okay...What kind of favor?” you asked cautiously, trying to see the look in his eyes- but you couldn't. Midoriya’s head was hanging so low, his green, messy hair was completely covering his eyes. 
“Its uh...its kind of a secret…”
He looked from side to side, making sure no one was paying attention to you two.
You looked at him in confusion, not understanding why he was being so secretive. 
“I need a place to tell her in secret,” he thought quietly, his eyebrows furrowing as he thought were to go. He looked to his right, realizing a classroom door was open. 
“In here!” He sighed in relief, grabbing your hand as he pulled you in.
The fact that he took your hand caused your breath to hitch, his hand feeling so perfect in yours-it was surprisingly soft, but you could feel the few spots that were calloused. 
He let go too soon, your skin feeling cold without his touch and your chest a little heavier. 
You looked at him confused, having no idea what was going on or why he was acting this way. 
“Alright Midoriya,” you stared, your cheeks slightly red, ��whats going on?”
He sighed, scratching the back of his neck.
He peaked a look at you from under his messy curls, a small smile playing on his lips.
“So...um… you know how the Winter Dance is in a few weeks?”
“Yeah, of course! That’s all anyone’s been talking about,” you replied, “everyone has been scrambling for dates because of it.”
You should know- the boys have been fidgety and weird ever since the Dance was announced- all of them wanted a date, and a cute one at that. To your surprise, You had been actually getting some proposals, but of course it was from the boys that were most desperate: like Mineta, Denki, and even Sero surprisingly. Each proposal you would brush off, always telling Izuku about how silly they were. He of course, would laugh along, but his face always looked strained when you brought it up- as if something inside him was hurting. You would nervously and as politely as possible  tell the boys “no”, not wanting to face the fact that you were saying “no” because you were hoping that it would be Izuku who asked you next. 
You looked at your best friend in confusion- until your heart stopped at a sudden realization.
Is he asking you out?
“Yeah...yeah-everyone,” he stuttered quietly, “I’ve just been having a lot of trouble.”
“What trouble-like-like asking someone?” you questioned, your voice shaking from nervousness.
Was it really going to happen?
“Yes!” he sighed in relief. “Ive been actually wanting to ask Uraraka to the dance, but I’ve been second guessing myself and not doing it. I’m afraid someone else will ask her soon, and I’ll never get the chance. Which is why I’d like to-maybe, if it’s alright-practice asking her. With your quirk!”
He smiled wide, his hopeful look the opposite of yours. Your heart felt crushed- you had thought that maybe things would be in your favor for once, that he would ask you, but that clearly was wishful thinking. He liked Uraraka- who wouldn’t? Smart, sweet, and selfless, Uararaka was perfect for Izuku. You couldn’t deny that. 
Izuku noticed your shocked face, taking it as you were undecided about the plan.
“We could meet before dinner, when no one is at the training grounds,” he rushed, “Id bring something of Uraraka’s so you can use your quirk, and you wouldn't have to worry about anything. Just- if I could practice a little on how I would ask her, just for a few minutes, I'll feel much more confident-“
Even though your heart was crestfallen from this huge blow,  the idea of him asking you to meet up, alone, made your heart pound, even though you hated it. 
“Uh-sure! I guess that'll work,” you replied hastily, forcing a smile at the blushing Izuku.
He grinned, his face lighting up “Thank you so,so much y/n! Oh- uh-Ill see you later!”
And with that, he ran out the door, leaving you feeling defeated in the empty room.
The sun was setting over the mountains at UA, the sky a range of pinks, oranges, and reds. 
You were walking the familiar walk to the training grounds, each step full of a strange combination of excitement and dread.
Izuku didn't like you, but somehow you were still holding on to that small hope that he did, against all odds.
It was kind of strange of you, given the circumstances
But Maybe he did.
Izuku stood standing in the middle of the field, the dusty dirt beginning to cake onto the white of his red shoes. He held Uraraka’s sweatband gingerly in his hand, feeling slightly guilty for sneaking it off of her. He would bring it back to her, he promised himself that, it just felt wrong.
Especially since he was having second thoughts about all this.
For some reason, he couldn't get you off his mind. Ever since the Winter Dance was announced, his feelings for you had been realized like never before. He had of course liked you before he got One for All and accepted into UA with you, he just never thought you would like him back. 
Back when he was quirkless, he had the biggest crush on you, thinking you were the most beautiful, sweetest, and most amazing person he had ever met. But, his insecurities got the best of him, and  believing you could do better than a quirkless nobody like him, he kept quiet about his feelings.
When he met Uraraka, he thought he was finally saved- a girl that finally could make him stop thinking of you. She was pretty, kind, and selfless like you, and it felt nice to have someone around that didn't know he used to be quirkless and defenseless. She was able to be a buffer for him and his feelings towards you.
Until the Dance rolled around and his feelings hit full force. It hurt watching his friends ask you out, anger bubbling up inside him. 
He should be the one tripping up on his words as he gave you a full bouquet of roses, not Kaminari, or Sero!
It hurt when you kidded that you wouldn't find a date, because he knew he could give you one, he was just too scared to.
Dress shopping with you was the worst of all. The whole time he felt like a blubbering idiot because you looked so freaking beautiful. You looked like a goddess in all that shimmering fabric, the blue dresses bringing out your eyes, the red dresses making him feel antsy to grab your waist and twirl you around, the greens his absolute favorite- but he couldn't say anything like what he truly felt.
He felt like a peasant in the presence of a princess as you laughed and twirled around, shining like a star.
“Do you like this one?” you had asked in a shimmering green dress, the sleeves short and flowy, the color of sea foam.
“Like it-I-I-I love it! You look beautiful! That one’s the best- no doubt about it!” Izuku praised, unable to take his eyes off your body, his face red.
You sighed happily, not noticing his face a blushing mess. “Thanks Midoriya...god what would I do without you?” you had then reached for his hand gingerly, giving him a hug. 
You then pulled away too soon, his face on fire. “Im going to get this one since you like it so much!”
The song on the speakers changed, a song you both recognized. You gave him a mischievous smirk, grabbing his hand and laughing.
“Come dance with me!” You exclaimed, making his hands clammy and his face red, in the best way possible.
His heart pumping hard, he realized- you were the one. The one he wanted.
And couldn’t have.
Now he was looking down at this sweatband, regretting not just telling you in that store, or these past few weeks, or even in that empty classroom- that he liked you, liked you more than a friend, more than a best friend,even- and that he wanted to go to the dance with you.
He sighed, letting his own reality sink in.
“Even if I did tell her,” he thought, “she wouldn't have time to react. We have been friends for so long I would have blind sided her with that confession- it's better for me to keep it to myself. I can't lose our friendship.”
He sighed, sadness flooding his system as he looked down at his shoes, defeated.
“Youre going to go with Uraraka,” he commanded himself, “you like her.”
A few weeks ago this would have been true- of course now, it really wasn't.
“Izuku!” he heard his name yelled by you, looking up abruptly to see you running up to him, a smile on your face.
He squeaked, tensing up as he didn't expect you at all as he was wallowing in self pity.
“Hey, sorry Im kinda late,” you chuckled, looking at him with rosy cheeks.
He couldn't stop staring at your lips that parted ever so slightly from your jog over to him, making his face 10x redder than it already was.
“I-I-Its okay!” he said, looking up as he scratched the back of his neck, embarrassment written all over his face.
You shook your head, smiling, not suspecting a thing- Midoriya was always being an adorable, blushing mess- what was new about that?
“Alright….” you started to ask, “Do you have something of Uraraka that I can use?”
Midoriya was still blushing, trying to fight the rising heat on his face. 
“I do!” he exclaimed, reaching into his pocket and pulling out the wristband, thrusting it at you quickly.
You smiled mischievously as you giggled, gingerly grabbing it from him.
“Did you by chance steal this from her?” You smirked.
You laughed, knowing Izuku must feel so guilty about taking such a small thing. He was considerate like that.
His cheeks got warm again, your laugh making him feel warm inside- it was the happiest sound he ever heard- 
“almost like Christmas bells”, he thought instantly.
“You couldve just taken a piece of hair from her, or a napkin, or even just something she touched-my quirk will still work,” you said happily as you slipped on the wristband, the feeling of the DNA triggering your nerves, making them feel like they were being sparked with electricity.
You shook ever so slightly, letting the power surge emb its way down.
“Oh-oh-uh okay!”
Midoriya stared at you, not feeling he was ready to do this. He didnt want to do this- but he was fighting himself to do what he thought was the right thing, not to do what he really wanted to do.
“You ready?” you asked cheerfully, your smile feeling strained.  You didnt want to do this either.
You didnt want to help him get with another girl, but he was your best friend- how could you say no to him? 
All you wanted to do was sit and cry, or even just scream-A strange and annoying side effect of your quirk was it made you extra emotional, so It was taking everything in you to not just give an excuse to leave, or yell, or even cry.
“I-I-guess…”he fumbled out, wringing his hands nervously.
You gave him a curt nod, and whispered the one word that activated your quirk, “Change.”
 Your body instantly lit up with an eerie blue glow, starting at the feet and wrapping around until it reached your head.  
The whole time Izuku was in his head, thinking himself into a mess. “SHould I just tell her?” “Will she think Im weird- considering we've been friends for so long she might be able to overlook the fact that I like her ...Her smile seemed so strange, as if she was forcing it: maybe she does have some feelings for me...or it could be from her quirk that makes her muscles feel sore or something, maybe its-”
“Uraraka!” he cried in panic, his voice going up 10 octaves as one of his good friends stood waving at him cheerfully.
“Hi Deku!” you smiled, laughing at the sound of her sweet, high voice coming out of your mouth. You were wearing her PE uniform, the top opened to show a black tank top.
“This is so wierd!” you cried in amusement.
“It is…”he chuckled along with you, his blush rising. He felt a little nervous around Uraraka, but this version of her was making him more awkward because it was you. He couldn't explain it, but it almost felt like he couldn't really wrap his head that he was asking out Uraraka, but it was really you and he was asking you instead.
“Alright,” you said quickly, “remember when we were 7, and you were asking me to become All Might, and I said I couldnt because I didnt have anything he touched, and that even if I did, I could only last for 5 minutes and then I had to switch back?”
“Yes, i do… I was so excited to meet my idol I started to cry...not really my finest moment!” He chuckled nervously.
“Well…” you sighed, your voice feeling strange because of Uraraka’s pitch, “that rule still applies. I can only last for about 5 minutes before I have to build up my strength again- so we have to be quick.”
“Oh, alright,” he agreed quickly, standing up straight. “Lets do it.”
You took a deep breath, willing down the emotions inside you. You had to keep it together- 5 minutes was all, and then you could leave and try to forget about all the hurt inside you.
Izuku took a deep breath as well. Now that you were taking the lead, he felt like he should just play along- if you were okay with all this, if you seemed to be happy with this- he would be too. 
“Hi Izuku! How are you?” You acted cheerfully, over doing your wave like Uraraka would.
“H-hi Uraraka!” He smiled, a chuckle almost slipping out as you acted exactly like her.
“So…” you began, your muscles hurting from straining a smile for so long, “you wanted to tell me something?”
You wanted to laugh and cry at the same time-you felt so stupid pretending to be someone else, especially to help your crush get with someone else, but this was your friend, and you would do anything for him. But, you still felt a low budget actor trying out for an audition and you couldn’t help but want to laugh from your embarrassment.
“What was it?” You asked pretending to be perplexed as you watched Midoriya’s face get redder with each word you uttered. 
You walked closer to him, your heart beating faster. You didn’t know why, but this was starting to feel real. Too real- and you were hating that you were giving into it
“Um-I-I-” Midoriya stuttered, his brain in overdrive. He was still fighting himself inside, still fighting to just ask you. 
“God damn it Izuku just ask her!” he cursed at himself mentally, watching those big round eyes star at him. Your eyes were the same- he always noticed that when you used your quirk: your eyes always stayed the same color.
“Is something wrong, Izuku?” you tilted your head to the side impatiently, putting your hands behind your back like Ochaco would.
Izuku looked at his feet, his silence ringing in your ears. You couldn't understand what he was doing- he wanted to do this, right? So why was he acted so wierd? WHy couldn't he just get this over with? You're emotions were getting more and more uncontrollable- you could feel the tears tickling your waterline as you stared at your best friend, the sky beginning to turn fiery orange to pale pink. It was getting harder to control your quirk- the time was trickling away, and you didnt think you would have enough energy to use your quirk again in your state.
“Izuku, we have to hurry, Im losing control over my quirk,” you grunted out, feeling your voice ebb away from Uraraka and slightly into your own. 
Izuku snapped his head up in a panic, his eyes wide with concern.
“Uh-uh-okay!” he complied, searching in himself to try and find that piece of him that trully felt some romantic way for Uraraka.
It wasnt there.
All he could see was your face- you when you were 11, helping him up after Bakugo had shoved him into the ground, you hugging him when you both realize you got into UA, you getting your hero suit, you and him dress shopping- it was you. And only you.
He took a deep breath, realizing what he finally, truly wanted to do. No matter the consequences.
“I know this is strange, and out of the blew….but- I wanted to say I like you. A lot. And I know you probably dont feel the same way, but I needed to tell you that- I-I care about you, and Id do anything to make you happy and feel safe. Ive liked you-more than friend- for a long time now, and was hoping that maybe-maybe you could go to the school dance with me?”
Izuku took a deep breath feeling a wait off his shoulders. He was scared as hell, that was still in him but it felt could to let out all those emotions he had been holding in for so long.
“Y/n! A-are you alright?!?”
You had turned back into your own self, but now you had tears stains littering your cheeks, more trailing down as your heart began to break. You didn’t realize that that confessions was meant for you: you thought it was for Uraraka.
Izuku rushed over to you, not knowing really what to do. He could tell you were really hurting inside, that something was almost painful to you. He didn’t think his confession would make you this upset-but why?
You sniffled, your shoulders shaking as you felt foolish for crying in front of him. This wasn’t you-you we’re usually the calm one, the one who took blows to your ego with ease and grace. But right now, you were tired from overusing your quirk and tired of lying to your friend each and every day you saw him.
“I’m not okay Izuku!” You shouted, frustrated. Midoriya’s eyes got wide, shocked by your outburst.
“I’m not! I-I-I know you like Ochaco, and if that’s what makes you happy, I don’t want to take that away from you-but I cant keep lying to you!” You took a breath, a protest about to escape out of Izuku’s lips.
“I like you Izuku-I-I loved you. Every since we were kids.” You heaved out, as if your lungs couldn’t catch up with your fast beating heart.
Izuku felt his whole life turn 180 in a split second. You liked him back??? You felt the same way??? He stared at you, your eyes sparkling from the tears. You were hugging yourself, making him just want to run and cuddle you and make you feel better.
A shocked silence fell between you two.
“Y/n,” Midoriya asked so quietly it was like a whisper, “why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because I didn’t want to lose you! I didn’t-I didn’t- want to mess up things between us!” You were stuttering over your words, and you felt like an emotional mess. You took a shaky breath, feeling embarrassment bubble in your stomach.
“But I now just clearly already did, so I’m just-“ you put your back to Midoriya, meaning to walk away until you felt a soft hand gently grasp your wrist.
Your turned quickly in shock, your tear stained face staring at Izuku’s.
“I love you y/n,” he said with gentle force, his voice calm but his cheeks a blazing red, revealing his nervousness. 
You stared at him with wide eyes, confusion written on your face.
“But I thought-you were saying that to Uraraka...“ you sniffled, “we were practicing…”
“I meant it for you. I-I thought I wanted to ask Uraraka, but I realized I wanted to ask you.” Izuku smiled softly, making your insides erupt with happy butterflies.
You grinned back, almost wanting to laugh at how unbelievably relieved you were-you felt like you could float.
“So-uh-um y/n,” Izuku asked, his smile turning into a nervous grin, “would you want to go to the dance with me?”
You laughed, pulling Izuku close to you and giving him a hug, snuggling your head into the crook of his neck. He stood there in complete shock, not knowing what to do-his senses we’re going to overload. He finally wrapped his arms tenderly around your body.
You sighed happily, feeling completely giddy and happy.
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
I hope you having a great day or night wherever you are at!
Requests open!!!!!
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billiebang · 3 years ago
9:28pm Thoughts:
- 47 days to go before Christmas 🎄
- binge watching Orange is The New Black on Netflix (currently on Episode 1 and I am enjoying it) Piper Chapman!!!
- work-related: our stupid management added a new batch of hiring batch this season (what the fuuuuuuuck!)
- still undecided if I'll buy myself a pair of DMs!
- no planned leaves this month! DECEMBER on me!!!
- told my sister to sleep 'coz it's 9:37pm mnl
- saving money for elyu january
- rhinoplasty!!! 👃🏽
- been thinking of going to the beach lately 🏝
- tiktok time consuming
- should I sleep early tonight??
- im of intermittent fasting hahaha 22:2
- is silver hair gorg on mee?
- dd dom is at the beach with his people! enjoy the night yumyum!
- what to eat tomorrow? definitely lettuce is included argh
- black pants, oversized shirt and boots
- badasstotegirl bento bag i want 👜
- need: eye check up! Huhu 🤓
- should I deactivate my facebook account?
- what about kdrama for November?
- should I color my wall white?
- yassi and queenie and dee ghong! 🐶🐶🐶 I LOVE YOU OYOBOY 🥰👼🏽
- plans for december
- should I stay indoors!!!
- the weather 🥶🤧 flu season
- kbye.
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moonie-here · 7 years ago
Sander sides human collage AU because im unoriginal
-6'0 ft
-Dark redish/brown hair, messy but it tends to work with him
-Naturally muscled but he swings a sword so his arms are 👌. Abs are also 👌
-Good butt(virgil cry’s about it sometimes)
-OMG THE JAW LINE(virgil cry’s about that too)
-Hazel eyes with gold flecks
-Slightly tan but not as tan as Patton, light freckles across nose and cheeks
-Wears makeup, it tends to be red lipstick and eye wings
-Walks with swaying hips and purpose
-Most fashionable person on campus with a verity of clothes
-Resting smile but just a small one
-6'3(tall boi)
-Black slicked back hair with pieces falling into his face
-Lanky muscled but still has good arms from carrying so many books
-Little to no butt(sad) doesn’t keep Patton away from it though ;)
-Jaw line and cheek bones could kill a man
-Green eyes the color of watermelon jellybeans(according to Patton and Roman)
-Not pale and not tan. Very average
-No makeup normally. Does have small studs in his ears. One tattoo. Its the pi symbol on his wrist. Black rectangle glasses
-Walks with purpose and long strides arms swinging slightly if he’s not carrying anything
-Black polos, blue jeans, black converse and so many ties it not even imaginable
-Carmel hair that’s slightly wavy/curly(depends on humidity) light blue streaks through it
-Dad arms. Good for lifting children and dogs(and friends)most muscular after Roman
-The best butt. Roman is jealous
-Softer face. Looks friendly. Still has a jaw line but its less defined
-Baby blue with dark blue edges around the iris
-Sun kissed skin very tan. Freckles on cheeks, shoulders, arms and hands
-A ring on his left hand. Light pink lip gloss?(undecided). Painted nails, any color. Wing tattoo on his back. Round silver framed glasses. He has scars :’(
-Walks on the balls of his feet with arms swinging or behind his back. Silver necklace with a pendant. Bracelets up and down his forearms
-Printed shirts with sky blue button up. Brown pants. Checkered light blue vans
-Always has a smile. It looks a little forced sometimes but no one notices(his friends can always tell)
-5'9(shortest boi. Not that short)
-Dark brown hair. Dyed black with purple streaks. Bangs(so long) with undercut
-Way to skinny. His legs are good and muscled, still skinny though(you’ll see later)
-Only a little more butt than Logan
-Thin face. High cheek bones.
-Gray eyes that change according to mood(soooo pretty).In brighter lighting they look white. It freaked everyone our.
-Pale boi. Scar under his eye bit its mostly faded. Scars all over his body too :’(
-Eyeshadow(duh) to cover his eye bags. Small gages. Black or dark purple lipstick. Arm band tattoo. Choker necklace. Rings, both hands(to puch people. :’( )
- Hunched shoulders. Face down and often has earbuds in. Hands in pockets or arms crossed
-Black hoodies(also duh). Big sweaters. Ripped black or purple jeans. Combat boots or purple skull converse
-Death glare all the way. Sometimes a barley visible smirk. Or a pout
~Head Canon Time~
-Virgil drives a motorcycle(hence strong legs). Also a fast runner :’(
-Patton made them all friendship bracelets. They never take them off.
-Virgil got out of a bad home when he was 8 and Patton got out of an abusive relationship when he was 17
-Patton and Virgil have been friends since second grade(they met at school then again in a dance class).
-Virgil didn’t let Pat say anything about the abuse at home when it started
-Then Virge nearly died
-They both have PTSD from it
-Virge nearly killed the guy who beat Pat but wasn’t tried for it
-Roman and Logan have been friends since seventh grade
-Logan was bullied and Roman(one of the most popular guys in school) defended him. He was never picked on again.
-They all met when a squirrel stole Logan’s burrito. He and Roman chased it and Patton helped. Virgil filmed the entire thing laughing his ass off. (He posted it on the school website much to Roman’s horror)
-Patton has talked about Logan before gushing to Virgil how cute and nerdy he his
-Roman knows Logan has been eyeing Patton(Lo never denied it)
-When Logan and Roman discovered Virgil and Patton’s PTSD they looked up everything they could to try and help
-They all share a house. 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, a basement and good sized kitchen.
-Patton works at a daycare. Virgils a barista. Logans a librarian and Roman does plays
-Virgil also does commissions on tumblr
-When Virgil thought about cutting he picked up a pencil and started drawing because he knew Pat would find out eventuality. He didn’t want to hurt Pat
-After pestering Roman got Vigil to make banners for plays he was in to put on campus
((My hands hurt))
-They have a dog and cat. The cat stays in Virgil’s room(the basement. He asked if he could have it) due to Patton’s allergy(he still pets it. He has allergy medicine)
-Gray cat. Name is Nickle. Golden retriever. Name is Good Boi
-They couldn’t decide on a name so Vigil kept calling it Good Boi. After a week that’s all it responded to.
-In school for: Logan- Astronomy/space. Roman- Theater/Drama with a business minor. Virgil- (either veterinarian or art/music and dancing). Patton- Teacher(preferably to work with younger kids) ((MIGHT CHANGE!!!))
-All of them are scary if you piss them off but lord have mercy on your soul if you piss off Patton
-It happened once *coughfullbodycastcough*
((If people want me to write this I will. Feel free to add on. There will probably add ons I may not use if I write it. Tell me if there are spelling errors. This took two hours to figure out and write.))
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lazyscaredcollegekid · 8 years ago
shitty gang
.pt 1.
a gang called bang is in town and 3 of the members move in next door, bringing other members and more trouble.
violence, language (at some point)
you lived in a pretty bad city, it was all run down and apocalyptic looking. houses looked like they were falling apart, kids were always playing and running around in the streets as the parents stayed inside forgetting that they even had the little beasts. You didn’t see many cars, most people were to poor to afford a car. you tried to ignore all the chaos that was on your block and in the rest of the city.
you were one of those people. you moved here because it was all you could afford after moving to Korea, you didn’t plan it to be this way, living in such a rundown old city with a gang problem, but unfortunately for you it just ended up this way. living in the slums of some shitty city. the only good thing being that no one really bothered you, they thought you were weird because you never interacted with the rest of the neighborhood.
unfortunately about 6 months after moving in you got new neighbors, 3 gang members from the local shitty gang ‘bang’ bought the house next you yours.
you sat on your couch that looked out the front window, a perfect view of the yard next to yours. you watched as 2 of the members carry a couch into the front door. “why are they still moving? they have three people it should be done by now.” you said to yourself.
you looked closer at the 2 boys. one had shortish pink hair, he seemed to be the tallest, the second one had bleach blond hair that was split down the middle. they were both good looking, you wouldn’t have minded living next to them, if you didn’t know they were a gang and were trouble. as you were lost in thought about the 2 already outside, the 3rd one came out with 3 cans of beer, he handed 2 to his friends and opened his for himself. he was about the same height as the blond, but he had grayish green hair it seemed like, maybe bluish gray?
a few minutes went buy and you were still looking at the blue-green-grayish haired man trying to decide what color it was. you were so focused you didnt even notice that the other 2 were no longer sitting the the undecided hair colored man. he was alone now, looking at his phone and taking sip from his beer.
‘where did the other 2 go?’ you thought to yourself. ‘what if they saw me looking? oh god i cant handle gang members’
right when you were about to get up you here a knocking on your door. you look over at the door in slight horror. “oh no, no no no its okay, stop worrying, your okay.” you told yourself before forcing yourself off of the couch. you walk over to the door and take a deep breath before opening the door.
you are met with 2 tall figures and a bright sun in your eyes. moving your arm above your head so you could see, and what you did see was one of the guys chest, with a few tattoos, one of them being a dragon ball it seemed like. you looked up to see it was the blonds torso you were just checking out. you gave him a small smile and an awkward chuckle. “may i help you?” you asked before looking at the pink haired one, who was even taller, making you look up even more.
they both looked at each other before looking back down at you. the blond spoke first, with a smile. “my name is DG, or GDragon, and this is my friend T.O.P, over there is our friend D-lite” he said pointing over to where his friend was sitting, still on his phone sipping at the beer. “its nice to meet you, neighbor.”
‘whats with the names? they clearly are not real, i guess that’s what being in a gang means, not using your real name.’ you thought to yourself. you smiled a bit awkward  “im y/n, its nice to meet you too” you look over at the one sitting outside, wondering why he didn’t come say hello with the other two.
“so uh” the pink haired one, T.O.P, spoke up. “we saw you looking at d-light a just minute ago.” he looked down at you with a smirk on his lips. you looked over to GD who was smirking down at you as well. “we just wanted to know why you were staring a him for so long, that’s all.”
you didn’t know what to say, you were frozen. how dumb would you sound of you said you were just looking at his hair trying to figure out what color it was for 5 minutes, i mean, that’s weird.
so ima make this to a few parts, it’ll be first series of fics. i hope yall liked it.
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rakimaiirisa · 4 years ago
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beards im considering. I am fixing him up little by little and changing some stuff
Right now im at:
weight- 210 Lbs, 90 in RM ( I like to think he is very muscular due to his werewolf blood being given to him at a young age. Asbjorn was made a werewolf at 10 years old. After stalking and bringing down his first rielking boar rider as a rite of passage, he was allowed to take the beast blood. His father, Tiberius, was his sponser)
Height- 6 '3
Eye color: Aqua. Inherited from his father
Hair: dark brown. Long and bunned in the back with bangs in front.
Scars: yes. The one on his face is from the werebear attack that killed his parents. He was around 13 at the time at the time of their deaths.
Race: Nord/Imperial. His father is Tiberius Storm-Strider, a werewolf with the Frostmoon pack of Solthiem. His mother was Remana Sialain, an imperial from the Imperial city who came to Soltheim seeking adventure.
sexuality: Bisexual
Im still undecided on whether he will use magic. I want to say he can, that its something that he could do as a child ( managing to create a small flame in his hands, healing small cuts on himself )but once it was noticed, he was forbidden to do it by both his father and the late pack leader ,Thorygg.
I do know that around his early adult years, once Majini became leader of the pack after Thorygg passed, Asbjorn began to become restless and more unwilling to follow orders. Majini finally grew fed up and issued a ultimatum to him. Know your place or leave. Asbjorn chose to leave and headed to skyrim. He is about 1 year in skyrim when Farkas comes across him in Falkreath's forest, battling 2 spriggans. He helps Asbjorn out and once he catches his scent, realizes he's a werewolf. Since Arisa is now harbinger that has no issues with the beastblood and is looking for new members for the guild, Farkas figured that a strong lad like Asbjorn would be beneficial for the companions.
Anyway this is beginning rambles for him. Not bad for a character who's original design was to be a replacer for Miraak 😊
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